Our Strategy


We are committed to helping address critical social, environmental and economic needs of marginalised and underprivileged sections of our communities. We do this by adopting a shared value approach to help solve problems, while strengthening our competitive advantage.


Our business model


Being Good & Green

Being Good & Green

Train 1 million people in skills that will enhance their income

UN SGD Goals
UN SGD Goals
No Poverty
Good Health and Well Being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Decent work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities
Climate Action
Being Good & Green

Achieve zero waste to landfill, be carbon neutral, achieve positive water balance, reduce specific energy consumption and increase use of renewable energy

UN SGD Goals
UN SGD Goals
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Responsible Consumption and Productions
Climate Action
Being Good & Green

Generate a third of our portfolio revenues from ‘good’ and/or ‘green’ products

UN SGD Goals
UN SGD Goals
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Responsible Consumption and Productions

Sustainability governance

A robust framework to enhance collaboration among team members, the value chain, communities, investors and government


Expert insights

Our Board of Directors comprises thought leaders who oversee our sustainability strategy


Ethical and compliant

We are committed to ensuring strong compliance for our internal and external stakeholders


Greater accountability

We adhere to the GRI Standards of sustainability reporting for alignment with global best practices on economic, environmental and social issues
